A bit about me

Hi, I’m Leezá
Each of us contributes unique color to our human landscape, we are vital, and we are good. Most of us, though, have bought a story that we’re not amazing, that there’s something wrong with us, that we don’t belong. It’s just the opposite. And when you debunk false assumptions about yourself, you are free to bring your full potential in work, to build nourishing relationships, to live your whole self authentically – with zero apology. This is my “why,” the reason I love what I do.
There is no short cut to learning to love who you are, to bringing your excellence to the table. No product or quick fix gets you there. I know; I’ve had to do the work.
Becoming who you so want to be is stunningly possible. My journey is why I now do this work. The transformative processes that you will find here will put you firmly onto your path of self realization and fullest potential.
Evolving from a childhood of violence into a healthy, loving relationship with the father who caused such pain, from being defrauded by the husband I had loved for 26 years into peace and equanimity, and from the tragic death of my fiancé into healing and deep gratefulness allows me – by proof of fire – to affirm all of the concepts and tools I offer.
These proven, best practices help people dissect limiting beliefs, deconstruct unwanted behaviors, dissolve self-judgment, end self-sabotage. Enjoying solid confidence and feeling ease in your work and relationships – no matter the circumstances is possible for you, too. I’m living proof.
My walk, and my work, are grounded in respect, understanding, kindness and intentionality.
As a relationship-based leadership coach, my roots formed in the seven years I assisted Dr. Natalie Rogers, Carl Rogers daughter and colleague, in her person-centered trainings in Europe. This extraordinary privilege anchored my expertise in humanistic psychology and my deep appreciation of the human heart, its healing process, and the impact of our interactions on one another.
Decades of living and working abroad seasoned me as an international organizational consultant with a first-hand understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion – across cultures and races. I groomed my critical thinking and strategic planning expertise, crisis transformation and foundational communication tools through various professional certifications, and by spearheading projects in large multinational corporations, educational institutions, public institutions, and socially-focused nonprofits.
By invitation I serve as an Executive Coach on the Forbes Coaches Council, am a former Tony Robbins Results Coach, and host a public TV show, “Live With Leeza”. Some of my certifications include: Executive and Life Coach (International Coach Federation – ICF); Mediator; Trainer & Group Facilitator; Bohm Dialogue Facilitator; NonViolent Communication Trainer. I hold a degree in Business Management, and the CORE Success™ trainings I have curated are internationally acclaimed and accredited.
Utilizing radical insights and applying the hard core of soft skills, my clients enjoy enduring self respect, confidence and personal ease in life. They learn to master communication, relationship-based leadership, and whole systems thinking at all levels and in all areas.
For over 20 years in 35+ cultures I have been helping individuals, families, organizations and public leaders to recognize their value, design roadmaps and achieve extraordinary results. Some of my world-class clients include: UNESCO, Lufthansa Airlines, Nike, Alpha Industries, US Senators, Jack Canfield, the State of Oregon.
All of that to say, it would be an honor to meet with you and find out how I can best support you to achieve exactly what you wish. Together, you can create the work you love and design the life you love living.
With respect
Our indigenous elders, and the wisdom and ways of a native path, have become my teachers; I heed their lessons. All wisdom and kindness come from the teachings I am committed to learning as best I can – from Spirit, from nature and with all our relations.
I am grateful to call home and honor the beautiful, ancestral, stewarded and unceded lands of the Multnomah, Tualatin, and Clackamas nations.
How can I Support you?
Some of my Affiliates