Woman Undaunted Retreat

Come Home to Yourself
The world desperately needs the feminine to show up and balance us out of the precarious instability we are experiencing with disrespect, dissonance, and disconnect – from one another, from our earth, from ourselves. Woman Undaunted retreats provides the time, space and inspiration for women to recognize, claim and thrive who we who they really are – as professionals, partners, lovers, mothers, daughters, friends.
Women do not need to seek equality. Our value is beyond equal – it is essential.
We are not the same as men; we should not seek to be. Our differences breathe vitality into our life, and all life. We must expect the best for ourselves: not only equal treatment, but also limitless opportunity. We must expect it from ourselves. From that center of amazingness, we can explore, lead, mentor and succeed – in anything, and everything, we do.
A structured and impactful program that enables you to finally make unadulterated contact with who you are, plug into the gifts you bring, and find the courage to live as you wish in the world.
- WANT What you want and be all you are – NO apology.
- DESIGN the life and work that speaks your dreams into reality.
- THRIVE with other strong open-hearted, bright, wide awake women.
As women, we have more power than we believe. We bring life into this world and contribute vastly to its well-being and sustenance. History and embedded structures continue to influence how far we (can) go and what is expected of us.
Far too often, though, we are unaware of the vibrancy of our individual and collective feminine energy, and much of our unique power remains untapped, squashed or distorted. We struggle through, or rid ourselves of, the constraints put upon us, as well as those we put upon ourselves.
During this year, in both practical and heartfelt ways, we will embody our feminine strength of presence and let that be the explicit vehicle of our learning, our gatherings, our lives.
When we launch from our personal feminine source, we can encounter any person or situation with deep clarity, strength, kindness, beauty, and determination. It is not a matter of fighting against what is “out there”. It is a matter of anchoring ourselves within, and leading and living from that center of unparalleled strength and freedom. Knowing our value is the genesis and the freedom of a Woman Undaunted.
adjective: still determined and enthusiastic, despite problems or no success

Retreat Agenda
Confusion and chaos hijack our peace of mind and hinder us from living fully out. And… they can be dismantled into clarity and consistency, a valued skill as a powerful woman amidst men. Without judgment, get crystal clear on what is in front of you. Then identify what you truly want, and what is yours to do to get there. Become comfortable being transparent and impeccably honest. Instead, of reacting to events and people, utilize a concrete, simple model in any situation, at any time, to find total ease and maintain personal power.
We’ve not been taught or allowed, to own our amazingness. We hide our abilities and beauty as a strategy to succeed, yet it holds us down, and back. How much, or little, you value yourself determines the quality of your life and work, your relationships, and directly influences your success. Learning to take 100% responsibility for yourself and your life grants your sovereignty. Taking charge of your thoughts, perceptions, and actions will develop personal authority. Own completely your mistakes and your mastery. Embrace yourself for all you are and can be. Truly valuing who you are as a leader, allows others to do the same.
Defending yourself is an inferior, disempowered state, yet often practiced as women in this competitive, masculine-dominated world. Choosing vulnerability as your driver seat frees the positive force of your power. You can dissolve opposition by seeking understanding. Prioritize transparency, connection, and curiosity. Practice courage, fairness, and good faith. Learn and groom conflict resolution skills – with yourself, others, and facing world events. Learn to sit at ease with discomfort and to apply 4 simple steps to diffuse any situation.
It’s true: we fear not our failures, but rather our success. Finally, step into your fullness. Use tools and insights to live your highest standard – of knowing, values, ability, integrity – radically and without apology. Take all action from the best place within yourself. Engage with the best in others, no matter what. Learn to capture and utilize specific fear as a powerful tool to create your own good and as a specific tracker to achieve your goals. Learn to be your own measure of success.
Being happy, loving your work and your life, is not hard. Wanting to genuinely do so proves the challenge. Design your purpose and choose to live fully and to love fiercely. Self-studentship is the key. This month brings it all together in a strategy that serves your future. Being clear, committed, and strategic in attending to what you want, designing the best way to get there, and then following through in a systematic manner is a powerful medicine for your success and personal mastery.
Woman Undaunted
Weekend Retreat
The Experience
Inspiration, relaxation, renewal:
- 3-day retreat in a peaceful retreat center nestled in natural near Portland Oregon
- Starts Friday 4pm PT; ends Sunday 1pm PT
- Room and board included in price (Price is for two persons per room.)
- Group experiences, individual time, communal meals, evening fire, yoga & Feldenkrais, sauna.
- Take-home practice
The Investment
Space is limited to 12 participants:
- $ 950/ weekend*
- Payment due upon registration.
- Reduced pricing available during CORE of Female Leadership training.
- Money back with cancellation up to 7 days before retreat.
*20% discount per signed referred participant
What Clients Say
You’re going to get the outcome. It is the process, though, that’s going to change you for years to come
Tina Overbury, Group Facilitator
Leezá is like a laser
through the fog, bright and illuminating.
US Senator Diane B. Allen, Author of the Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act
I have found coaching
with Leezá the ideal path to moving from who I am
to who I want to be.
Dr. Allyson Bishop, Physicist
Senators, Mayors, the State of Oregon, universities and industry leaders, like Nike and Lufthansa Airlines, are just a few of the world-class clients who seek Leezá’s work – for over 25 years and in nearly 40 countries. Individuals and organizational clients learn to prioritize quality, integrity, collaboration, and the tools to get them where they wan to go in a spirit that drives creativity and productivity. They all utilize and profit from the Core Success™ System to achieve deep and sustainable change, hone connected communication, and foster trust, solid relationships, impactful outcomes, and deep personal satisfaction.
Leezá at a glance…
As a seasoned personal development trainer, a business consultant, and a leadership coach, Leezá was invited as an Executive Coach to the ForbesCoaches Council. Her track record of transformative work with clients across the globe combines human understanding, exceptional acuity, and heart-based application that expands on the innate value of each individual.
An experienced mediator, certified trainer, former Tony Robbins Results in Coach and Jack Canfield Success Trainer, she is uniquely skilled at helping individuals identify, and permanently remove, stubborn barriers and limiting beliefs to unleash the fullness of themselves into their own lives and work, even in the most adverse and chaotic environments.
Her time-tested, impactful C.O.R.E Success™ System along with her multi-faceted expertise allows Leezá, with laser-like clarity and deep heart, to guide individuals and groups through touch challenges to positive transformation.