Some of my guideposts …

We are spirit.
I believe we are lived by a generous Life Force, a Spirit that animates and inspires us with breath, goodness, energy and desire.
We are all part of the whole.
We are never separate from the Spirit that lives us, from one another nor the ground we walk upon or the air we breathe. We are as much a part of the natural cosmos as our breath is a part of us.
Remembering who we are is vital.
I believe that each of us, in every moment, is doing our very best – given our current understanding and abilities. We curate our own unique experience from circumstances through the beliefs we hold, known to us or not. We are neither victims, nor villains. Our actions indicate how intimate or ignorant we are in knowing the goodness we were born as. Both heroic deeds, and horrendous ones, can be measured by how keenly we remember and integrate our divine Source, that we are made of pure Spirit.
Nonjudgment is foundational to peace.
Distinguishing facts from our perception of them, leaving the judgment of wrong or bad out of the equation, grants us access to our highest potential and deepest sense of peace. Living from a place of nonjudgment, neutral witnessing and clear sight, we have the cleanest energy to impact the world with intention and good will.
The choice to create is ours, constantly.
Our past, our narrative, where we have come from and who we have been up to now does not define us nor determine our future. We, alone, choose who we want to be and how we choose to live. Accepting full ownership of our innate value and essential contribution to our life’s unfolding is the jet fuel to propel us to our most desired future. Nothing is holding us back, except the belief that something could hold us back.
Doing the work is the greatest gift.
It is more laborious and debilitating to ignore our trauma, tolerate mistreatment and repeat disruptive behaviours than to do the work and anticipate the breakthroughs of self-realization.
We are love.
I believe firmly that whatever jargon we use, whatever role we play or social system we cling to does not change in the least that we were created from stardust by a thriving and generous Life Force. Our nature is goodness; we need only to believe it.
With respect
Our indigenous elders, and the wisdom and ways of a native path, have become my teachers. I heed their lessons. All wisdom and kindness come from the teachings I am committed to learning as best I can – from Spirit, from nature and from all our relations.
I am grateful to call home and honor the beautiful, ancestral, stewarded and unceded lands of the Multnomah, Tualatin, and Clackamas nations.
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