Live Authentically As A Woman Undaunted With Help From Leezá Carlone Steindorf 

Do you feel overwhelmed by the challenges in your personal and professional life? Do you feel as though you have had to give up on living as your authentic, feminine self? Do you feel as though you have to emulate masculine power, suppress your passion, and give up your playfulness to succeed? You aren’t the only woman to feel this way – but the truth is you don’t have to stop being your feminine self to accomplish your goals. You can accomplish your goals as an authentic Woman Undaunted. 

Learn How To Be Yourself And Become A Woman Undaunted 

There is so much power in living your life authentically. As women, we may find ourselves needing to unlearn practices that lead to us shutting down our authentic selves. 

After all, how often are we taught to associate masculinity with power? How many of us were encouraged to suppress our passion, even as girls? How many of us had to take on responsibilities at a young age and give up our playfulness? 

In order to help women like you reclaim their power, passion, and playfulness, Leezá Steindorf offers a Woman Undaunted Masterclass. Learn about your innate feminine power – the power that is the source of all. Tap into your passion – the intense joy and energy that drives you to your goals. Live your playfulness – the light and sparkling side of you that allows you to connect with the light, happy parts of life. 

You can learn more about your power, your passion, and your playfulness when you sign up for the upcoming Woman Undaunted Masterclass.  

Woman Undaunted Masterclass 

The Next Woman Undaunted Masterclass is coming up. Learn to embody your feminine strength of presence and let that be the explicit vehicle for your personal and professional life. 

  • The masterclass consists of 24 live sessions over 12 months, alternating every two weeks: 
  • 12 Training Sessions -3 hours every 2nd week of the month 
  • 12 Anchoring Sessions -1.5 hours 4th week of the month 
  • Including Group & individual activities, take-home practice, private Facebook group 

Click to learn more about the next Woman Undaunted Masterclass

Leezá Carlone Steindorf Is Ready To Help You! 

Core Success’s Leezá Carlone Steindorf is an executive coach and motivational keynote speaker, she has an extensive background in world-class multinational corporations, trade unions, nonprofits, and educational institutions in over 35+ cultures. With her experience, she can help leaders make consistent forward movement, especially during the most extreme of circumstances. Contact Core Success today to learn how you can benefit from Leezá’s guidance. 

04 days 23 hrs 35 mins 52 secs